June 2008 - Wine Varieties-
Choosing The Perfect Holiday Wine
Oh my God, it?s almost Christmas and I have guests coming, one is a real wine connoisseur and if I don?t have JUST the right wine, I know I?ll never hear the end about it.
Exactly what wine do I serve with turkey; I haven?t a clue, not to mention the ham, or an after dinner wine. Should I stick with my old standby Pinot, or break out the Chardonnay? Wait, he?ll just think that?s run of the mill, I know I?ll open a bottle of Gruner Veltliner, surely that will impress him.
While you may not have had exactly these thoughts, if you plan on serving wine with dinner, the choices sometimes can be daunting, but the answer is rather simple, go for the middle road. If you?ll planning on serving a sumptuous feast, then set out some white and red wine, so your guests will have a choice. If you?re interested in going a step further, then a specific wine that compliments your entrees would be a wise decision.
In the dark still? Don?t worry, I?ll offer a few suggestions that will get the juices flowing, or the bubbly sparkling. Since these are the holidays and most of us are in a festive mode, Champagne is an excellent choice to serve with appetizers like mixed nuts, cheeses or salty snacks.
FACTOID: La M?thode Champenoise, is the original way of making Champagne and is more than 260 years old. Champagne, the wine that sparkles, can be served at the beginning of a meal, or at any time, it is very versatile.
Hopefully you?ll be among friends over the holiday, if so a bit of experimentation might be the perfect answer. As you shop the wine stores, many will offer tasting and advice, ?listen and heed well oh student?, for these shop keepers are more than likely connoisseurs themselves and want you to come back, don?t be afraid to tell them your budget.
How much wine will you (and hopefully your guests) consume over the holiday season? If more than a bottle or two, consider buying by the case you?ll find discounts from 10 to 15 percent, and that can add up. Too much wine for your budget? Talk to family, friends and neighbors, maybe the costs can be shared, lowering everyone?s (per bottle) expense.
Since this article is about wine and food for the holidays, when you shop, look for food friendly wines. There are many that suit the bill (just ask) some good choices might be:
Riesling and Sauvignon Blanc
Beaujolais from France,
Pinot Noir,
Chianti from Italy,
and Rioja from Spain
Now then... how much wine is Uncle Joe going to drink? We don?t want him teetering, so plan on about two glasses per guest with the ratio being approximately (and tailor to your taste and budget) 60 percent white and 40 percent red.
When all is said and done and the guests are out the door, or snoring quietly (we hope) in their rooms, just push the cork back into the bottle and place the bottle in the fridge. Plan on consuming it over the next 3 to 5 days and you?ll be in good spirits (ah, I mean shape).
Have a great time, a good meal, and remember not to drink and drive.
June is a writer and internet marketer. Her background is comedy and she includes that in her articles. June's site Wealth Health and Success was created to help you achieve just that. She also contributes to Mind Mastery a fascinating journey designed to awaken your potential and Find-Read-Discover - Share - Read - Learn - Discover
Wine Varieties and More
Choosing The Perfect Holiday Wine
Oh my God, it?s almost Christmas and I have guests coming, one is a real wine connoisseur and if I don?t have JUST the right wine, I know I?ll never h...
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Labels: Wine Glasses, Wine Goblets