2008 - Burgandy Wine
Tips on Making Affordable Wine Recipes
One of the great things about wine on a date is that one bottle is a defined amount, normally about five glasses. If shared equally it is unlikely that you will fall off your chair drunk after half a bottle of wine!
Wines have become a household word and most households today have access to reasonably priced wine. Drinking wine doesn't just provide people with comfort during winter or cold weather but they also provide health benefits to the young and old alike.
A glass of red wine a day is said to prevent Alzheimer?s and Parkinson?s disease. It's also a preventive measure against diarrhea and food poisoning. These claims are slowly being corroborated by scientific evidence, all leading to the healthful effects of moderate wine intake.
Wine Tasting for beginners
Research show that while the French eat more fat than their American counterparts, the French have fewer incidents of heart attacks. Some people attribute this to the French?s propensity for drinking wine during mealtimes. A study done by the Copenhagen City Heart Study claimed that people who consume a moderate amount of wine a day have higher chances of living a long and healthy life.
Experts agree that the flavonoid, tannin and other contents of red wine are responsible for increasing the level of good cholesterol while decreasing the level of bad cholesterol, and thereby preventing strokes and heart attacks.
People who have money to spare can get the health benefits offered by moderatley drinking wine. How about those who can't afford to buy expensive wines? While not all good wines are expensive, there is a way to enable those with tight budgets to have their wine, and drink it too!
Sparkling wine can make you appear a little pretentious or if you go for a cheaper version, a tightwad; so this is usually best avoided. If you are not sure whether your companion likes wine at all, ros? wine is often a safe option as it often lacks the sharpness that people commonly dislike in wines.
The basics of wine making
There are many wine recipes that are available for free. Win e-making doesn't really require sophisticated laboratory materials. Wine can even be made using ordinary household ingredients and materials.
The basic ingredients in making wine include grape juice, sugar, water and yeast. The basic materials needed are a container for the wine, balloons and a pin, measuring cup and a funnel.
The said ingredients are used in making basic wine. Like any other recipe, there are modifications that can make your wine more flavorful and interesting. Adding raisins and almond to regular wine, with some ingredient modifications, can make your wine not only better-tasting but more exotic. The same thing happens when you try to mix apple, banana or other fruit ingredients to the basic wine.
You can experiment on making wines as a hobby. However, once you have perfected your wine recipes, this might be the start of a new career in entrepreneurship. So why not create your own wine recipes so you can drink your own wine and sell it too?
If you are really not sure what to choose, why not offer your companion a choice of glasses as an aperitif while you have a beer or spirit. This way you can judge your companion's taste. Even if they select a spirit, you can still get a measure of whether they prefer sweet or dry wines.
Learn the art of Wine Tasting
Wine Tasting for beginners
Thoughts about Burgandy Wine
Tips on Making Affordable Wine Recipes
One of the great things about wine on a date is that one bottle is a defined amount, normally about five glasses. If shared equally it is unlikely tha...
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Wed, 18 Jun 08 07:31:05 -0700
Each year Italy is home to many world class Jazz festivals, and this year is no exception. If you are chilling in Umbria or Wine Tasting in Tuscany you are probably will not have to travel far to sample some cool local and international jazz. Enjoy!!!
Put Firefox 3.0 On Your Flash Drive or iPod Now
Tue, 17 Jun 08 14:57:36 -0700
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Sun, 15 Jun 08 14:51:22 -0700
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